Tips to Consider For Choosing a Kitchen Colour Scheme – Our Guide

Kitchen setups often appear as the most neutral aspect of a home. The modern kitchen entails minimalist setups, with appliances integrated into wall spaces and colour schemes that blend in. The best layouts of kitchens often include simple white or wood cabinets, as well as elegantly simple countertops that don’t clash with other items.

Modern kitchens have a colour scheme that is mostly plain, which utilize light and dark hues to give off a consistent look. Although kitchens may benefit from this absence of extra colour, there is no doubt that having an accent colour can benefit the look of your kitchen. When considering small-scale kitchen renovations, here are some ways to integrate colour.

Utilize a different colour or technique in your kitchen setup

Adding even a slight hint of colour to a wall or surface will definitely accent the rest of the kitchen space. This works in tandem with lighting techniques, which can make the entire kitchen pop out through different lightbulb types, such as gold light ones to add extra depth. It also helps to be aware of cool and warm colours and how these coordinate with counters and cabinets.

An example of this would be certain Bauhaus kitchen designs use a bright colour on one wall or space to destroy the monotony of a single tone, which breathes life into spaces.

Consider turning a wall space into a chalk or bulletin board

It’s worth considering for your kitchen renovation, by painting a space using chalkboard paints, the kitchen can have an accent of design and tonal values, as well as an extra utility. Using the wall as a message board or reminder will add a fine touch to the functionality of a kitchen. This way, recipes can be written down, as well as important data or even an events calendar.

If the painting idea is not a viable option, you may opt to buy a framed blackboard or whiteboard in a special colour and mount it on the wall without the hassle of the painting process.

Don’t let whatever you find on the internet hold you back

There is no doubt that Google contains thousands of images of dream kitchen setups. Although these are aesthetically pleasing and can often serve as a big inspiration, do not forget that it is totally acceptable to add touches that serve your tastes. If the designer in you wants a very sharp colour to combat the grey nature of the kitchen, listen to it and make the jump.

To make your kitchen stand out, try referring to older artistic movements such as Art Deco era style elements, or even Brutalist movements. These were highly popular in their days, but still contain timeless elements of architecture and design. If coupled with modern spaces, it could produce an interesting take on a previously popular artistic style.

Since some people spend a lot of their time in the kitchen cooking meals and preparing diet plans for the week, the last thing anyone would want is to get bored while doing so. Adding comfortable touches to your kitchen renovation should make being in the kitchen more exciting and enjoyable.


When customizing a kitchen for renovation work, there are many things to consider. Colours should be utilized properly, spaces should be workable and useable, as well as nice accessory pieces used in order to create an amazing, aesthetically pleasing kitchen. Although there are many guides available as well as guidelines for interior decorating, there is no universal rule that states that you cannot add or subtract from what is recommended.

At Azztek Kitchens, we provide you with a seamless process of consulting for kitchen renovations in Mandurah all the way to the building process itself. Contact us now!

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Aaron Rekman is the owner of Azztek Kitchens in Mandurah and has over 20 years experience in kitchen design, manufacturing, kitchen installation, home renovation and the building industry. Do you have a question for Aaron? Contact Azztek Kitchens today.